1400 Ratcliff Dr.
Gillette WY 82716
Ph: 307-685-8101

Our mission is to operate the best and most reliable compressor valve and specialty machine shop in America by providing product and services that consistently meet or exceed our customers' expectations. Everything we do reflects this mission and the values that make it possible.

We help you pass gas!!

Kimray Glycol Pump Repair

With our Kimray trained technicians we can rebuild any size Dehy pump. We spend the extra time to machine and lap blocks as well as other parts to ensure maximum reliability in all our repairs. All pumps are tested with fluid and 1400 psi of gas pressure to simulate field conditions. We use an ID system similar to your valve repairs so we can track all repairs, date of repair, and parts that were put into each pump. We offer OEM and our in house manufactured parts.

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